World Tapping Tour 2014

  Schedule & Links to EFT / Tapping Events with Sonya Sophia   Click the workshop titles below for details on "The World Tapping Tour 2014":   Arts Outside in Rockdale, Texas -- Check back for more details   EFT Intensive Retreats In Fairfield,...

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Taking Tapping to the People

Notes from the Journey I am packing my bags and taking Tapping to the people for my annual tour.   This year's theme is the "World Tapping Tour 2014".  My first stop is Burning Man where I'm leading seven EFT workshops, and the following week at The Center SF in San...

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World Tapping Parties

World Tapping Parties - An Unexpected Outcome By now you may have already heard that the World Tapping Circle broadcasts a live, interactive EFT Circle to the world every Monday. It's possible you know that each Circle contains a plug-n- play, 60 min. EFT session and...

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Emotional Freedom for the World with EFT

  Hi, I'm Sonya Sophia, founder and host of the World Tapping Circle. When I began my Tapping adventure over 10 years ago, I longed to give everyone in the world an EFT session, because I could feel how quickly it was changing me! I could see that everyone I knew...

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Inner Beauty Creates Outer Beauty

Does it ever seem like, no matter what you wear, what new product you buy, what you do or what others tell you, you never really feel beautiful enough? Beauty is a feeling and a state of being more than it is a look. How would you like to experience your beauty in a...

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A Sample of The World Tapping Circle

      Please, enjoy this sample of the World Tapping Circle.                                                    . Once you have had a chance to Tap along, and discover for yourself how powerful a typical Circle can be, we'd love for you to join us.     ...

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Sonya Sophia’s Protocol for Tapping

Sonya Sophia's Tapping Protocol explains the basics of how, what, why and when we Tap. This is recommended viewing for people entering the World Tapping Circle, a life-enhancing, interactive, healing experience, within a global, online community of world-changers....

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10 Tapping Tips

Whether you are preparing to join The World Tapping Circle, setting up to Tap for yourself, or to be led by an EFT Practitioner, these tips are good guidelines to follow.   How to Set up your Space for Tapping -- To prepare yourself for an EFT session, take a...

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Get a FREE 5-Day Emotional Detox + 1 Ticket to the World Tapping Circle

Practitioner Training

My BURNING MAN 2024 EFT Workshops

👁 Mystic Metamorphosis

Dust off default. Strip down to your INSTINCTUAL Self. Learn to TRUST the ILLUMINATED path before you with new friends who share this POTENT magic!

Monday 8/26 2-4pm

Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Want to feel LOVE? Learn EFT to REGENERATE emotional CONNECTION. Feel your shiny new HEART COME ALIVE! Leave RADIANT & READY to PLAY wholeheartedly!

Tuesday 8/27 2-4pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Get GOOD with your SEXUAL self! Learn EFT, to navigate authentic feelings. Leave LOVING and ACCEPTING your natural sexual self so others can too!

Wednesday: 8/28 2:00-4:00pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC

🌎 Tapping Into Tomorrow’s World

Anchor skills for navigating the future with EFT. Come to IGNITE POWER and ALIGN PURPOSE to ENHANCE your ability to THRIVE.

Friday 8/30 1-2pm


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