Video: Fear of Success
Did you know EFT can be used to clear subconscious fears about good things like success? Try this Tap, It's so gratifying to make quick progress! This Tap will save you time, effort and energy. Let me know what happens afterwards at support at...

Video: Dealing with Death
Everyone deals with the death of a loved one eventually... It's just a matter of when not if. How you deal with it can set the tone for the rest of your life. I created this video to help you process some of the complex emotions surrounding losing someone you...
Tapping in Amsterdam
Every Year I am invited to teach EFT in one of my favorite cities in the world, Amsterdam! - This year I will be leading 3 workshops. ✦ Dealing with Feeling - An introduction to EFT ✦ Friday 20 May 2016 19:00 - 22:00 Learn to navigate emotions using EFT. Experience...
New Research: Reprogramming Your Brain
New research coming out of Harvard Medical School shows that we have the natural capacity to "reprogram" ingrained emotional responses to people, places and things using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). EFT has been researched in more than 10 countries, by more...
Art Outside – Oct 22-26
https://vimeo.com/134131062 My Tapping workshops are SoulShine - Saturday Oct 24th 2:30 -3:30 pm & Cause & Create Reality - Sunday Oct 25th 2:00-3:00pm - Austin Texas TICKETS: http://artoutside.org/tickets/ LINE UP: http://artoutside.org/lineup/ I hope you can...
Doing What’s Difficult
Do you know that WE ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE? You pain is all our pain... and your willingness to transform it helps heal us all and makes it easier for us all to courageously move forward. We all are contributing to the FIELD for better or worse- so lets make it easier...
Video: Silencing the Inner Critic
Why does it matter if you judge yourself or attack yourself mentally? Because every cell in your body is getting chemical messages from glands in your brain with with every thought you think! The main gland responsible for serving up chemical "cocktails" is called...
EFT Training – 2015
Are you called to learn EFT and HEAL yourself at the same time? If so read on... This EFT Training is like no other. It's a living breathing community of lively authentic people. We are learning EFT using the principles of quantum mechanics. Tapping allows us to dive...