New Research: Reprogramming Your Brain

EFT Rewires Brain - New ResearchNew research coming out of Harvard Medical School shows that we have the natural capacity to “reprogram” ingrained emotional responses to people, places and things using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).

EFT has been researched in more than 10 countries, by more than 60 investigators, whose results have been published in more than 20 different peer-reviewed journals.

EFT also called “Tapping” is a potent self-healing tool which empowers you to change the neural pathways in your brain and thus the physical responses in your body.

In other words… the negative feelings that may pop up when you see your ex, can be completely
cleared – you can be emotionally free!


Harvard - EFT


Clinical reports describe the beneficial use of EFT for people with breast cancer and other major health challenges. These findings indicate that EFT is an effective self-help tool for a wide variety of issues.

EFT has also been shown to work very quickly and reliably with children, veterans, and people suffering from, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Tapping also works for things like, lack of libido, burnout, divorce, death, grief, and work related stress.


Now you can experiment for yourself on yourself with EFT. YES this is actually a free trial (no credit cards needed).

During your FREE MONTH you will get 4 *live* online EFT sessions (recorded so you can Tap anytime) with EFT expert Sonya Sophia. The 30 day trial also includes 24 hr access to a library of Tapping videos (100’s of hours of  guided sessions) that include topics such as: health, relationships, money, personal growth, spiritual connection, and performance.

I would love to hear about the results you get from using EFT to rewire your own brain!

“I do the replays all the time and they rock. You keep evolving/elevating yourself and us. It is a priceless gift being part of this, it has changed my life and will continue to do so.” Kassandra – Austin, Tx.

“My income doubled and I met the love of my life…Thanks for the videos! My family has noticed the difference in me and my mom is so proud. Dale – New York, NY.

“I really cannot thank you enough for the tapping circle and video archives which I use.” Jamie – Madison, WI.


Email me the story of your Free Month of Healing at [email protected]



Get a FREE 5-Day Emotional Detox + 1 Ticket to the World Tapping Circle

Practitioner Training

My BURNING MAN 2024 EFT Workshops

👁 Mystic Metamorphosis

Dust off default. Strip down to your INSTINCTUAL Self. Learn to TRUST the ILLUMINATED path before you with new friends who share this POTENT magic!

Monday 8/26 2-4pm

Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Want to feel LOVE? Learn EFT to REGENERATE emotional CONNECTION. Feel your shiny new HEART COME ALIVE! Leave RADIANT & READY to PLAY wholeheartedly!

Tuesday 8/27 2-4pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Get GOOD with your SEXUAL self! Learn EFT, to navigate authentic feelings. Leave LOVING and ACCEPTING your natural sexual self so others can too!

Wednesday: 8/28 2:00-4:00pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC

🌎 Tapping Into Tomorrow’s World

Anchor skills for navigating the future with EFT. Come to IGNITE POWER and ALIGN PURPOSE to ENHANCE your ability to THRIVE.

Friday 8/30 1-2pm


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