Resistance to Tapping


It is natural to be reticent about opening up old wounds for fear we will not be able to cope with the feelings buried there (which is why we repressed them in the first place). Furthermore, when we are confronted with learning something new, we often feel overwhelmed at the prospect. It may feel like too much information to digest and assimilate, or it may bring up old school memories. This script will help you take the edge off of any resistance coming up about learning to tap. This will enable you to take in all this this new information more easily, and help you learn in a more calm and relaxed state.


This is a beginning level script that requires little experience with tapping, although you should have a basic understanding of where the points are. This script is designed to help you discover and tap on natural resistance you may have about using EFT. Here we will focus on fears of being overwhelmed by what comes up, of not being able to do it right, or of not being able to learn it easily.


Tapping review

You will be tapping gently on the flow of points described below (approximately 7-10 taps for each point).

Tapping Points on the Head and Upper Body

Tapping Points on the Head and Upper Body

Tap Points Full_color-01-1

Move from the setup point (the sore spots on the upper pectoral muscles) to the face points, the torso points, the hand points, and up to the top of your head.  This pattern of points is known as a round of EFT.  You can tap with either or both hands.  When you tap on the hands, you can do one hand first, and then the other.  In this script, I walk you through the points, but when tapping on your own, do not worry about getting them in the perfect order. EFT is a very flexible and forgiving process.

As blocked energy starts exiting the body, it can manifest in many different ways. Yawning, laughing, crying, burping, passing gas, queasiness (this is not as common, but may occur especially with extreme blockages) are all natural signs that EFT is working. You may also experience your body temperature increasing or decreasing.  I call this phenomenon of releasing stored stress “off-gassing.” Rest assured that any of these physical responses, including not feeling much at all, are all perfectly normal responses. Please honor whatever reactions you are having rather than trying to stifle them. Your body knows how to realign itself.

You may also find yourself spacing out, having distracting thoughts, or having a sudden  overwhelming desire to sleep (especially in cases where disassociation or leaving your body was a coping strategy).   If you are spacing out or feeling sleepy, tap while saying “even though I am spacing out or feeling sleepy and it’s hard to focus, I deeply and completely accept myself.” “Even though a part of me doesn’t want to look at this, I deeply and completely accept myself.  It’s safe for me to look at this issue now.” Keep tapping (for several rounds if necessary) until you feel yourself coming back into your body and staying present more easily.

Setting up your Space

Carve out some time for yourself in a quiet place with no interruptions (phone & all screens off; door closed, etc.). Have a pen and paper ready. The following tapping script is only a guideline. Feel free to add to it or change it to fit your experience more perfectly.


Tapping Script for Clearing Resistance about EFT:

Close your eyes for a moment, and check in with yourself to see if you have any resistance at all to tapping. Does any part of you think you will not be able to learn it? Write down the number which represents the level of resistance or fear. Even if you do not have any resistance, please tap along reading out loud with this next script to get used to the sound and feel of doing EFT.

Massaging the sore spot. Note: You will do this once for the setup, and then you will be tapping on the other points for the next rounds. 


Even though I have resistance to learning EFT, I’m open to loving and accepting myself.

(Say this several times and breathe deeply)

(Tapping 7-10 times gently with either hand on the points below)

Round 1

Eyebrow: Even though part of me has resistance to learning EFT

Temple: I’m open to loving and accepting myself anyway.

Cheekbone: This resistance…


Under Nose: I’m learning to feel what’s been buried inside of me.

Under Lips: Even though part of me is really afraid to feel what’s there


Under Collarbone: And I’ve been avoiding some of these feelings and memories for a long time

Sternum: I am open to accepting myself anyway.


Front of Ribs: I don’t know what will happen if I start to open up these all the buried feelings!

Side of Ribs: I accept this fear of feeling, of reopening old wounds. What if I break down?


Inside of Wrist: Even though it feels too overwhelming

Thumb: I’m open to loving and accepting myself and this feeling of overwhelm.


Index Finger: This overwhelm… I’m afraid of not being able to handle what might come up…

Middle Finger: I am allowing myself to take this at my own pace…


Outside of Fourth Finger: Perhaps it’s safe for me to look at this now…

Pinky Finger: I’ve been avoiding feelings for so long… But the feelings keep coming back… Maybe it’s time now.


Side of Hand: It’s possible that I can at least give it a try.

Head: It’s possible that I’m doing it already.

Check in with your resistance towards doing EFT, and see whether the intensity has increased or decreased. If your fears have not decreased significantly, do round 1 several more times before proceeding to round 2.

Round 2

Eyebrow: Even though I feel insecure about learning EFT

Temple: I’m open to the possibility of accepting myself anyway.

Cheekbone: This insecurity …I’m afraid of getting it wrong!


Under Nose: Even though I’m afraid I won’t get it right

Under Lips: I’m open to the possibility of accepting myself anyway.


Under Collarbone: This fear of not getting it right…

Sternum: I accept this insecurity.


Front of Ribs: Even though part of me thinks it may be too complicated…

Side of Ribs: I’m open to loving and accepting myself.


Inside of Wrist: What if I’m not smart enough to do this?

Thumb: This fear of inadequacy…


Index Finger: I’m open to loving and accepting myself anyway.

Middle Finger: This is new territory for me but I want to do it perfectly!


Outside of Fourth Finger: I accept my perfectionism…

Pinky Finger: And I forgive myself for thinking I have to do it perfectly from the very beginning.


Side of Hand: I’m allowing myself to relax and go at my own pace…

Head: I am allowing myself to easily absorb this information and lean as I go.


Check in with your issue, and see whether the intensity has decreased or increased.

If the intensity has not decreased significantly, do round 2 several more times, changing the words to more accurately describe your own experience if you wish.

To end the session, tap all over your body and say loving, supportive statements to yourself for a few moments. For example:

  • I am becoming more able to take care of myself!
  • Good job (your name here)! Well done!
  • I am doing this! I am learning how to tap and clear my resistance to my growth and evolution!


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