Divine Purpose


We are all feeling an increasing urgency to spend our time working in a way that feels more meaningful to us. We are increasingly dissatisfied to simply toe the line for any enterprise that is disconnected from the goals of improving life on earth. This yearning to do what you love, and to receive healthy, financial compensation for creating a life that works for you is natural and appropriate.

We are awakening. It may sound cliché, yet it is true. The awakening has actionable steps, including reorienting yourself on how you spend your hours each week making a living. Our souls are demanding that we come into alignment with our purpose. We each have a part to play in rectifying our society. Our society has created emotional illness, pollution, trauma and death. We have been out of integrity, out of harmony, as a result. 

The solution is simple – as we come back into integrity with our own spirits, it just so happens that we clean up the physical environment, lighten up the emotional environment and make our bodies healthier, happier and stronger. What a beautiful design! Happy, healthy people create a happy, healthy world. 

When we are in harmony with our own talents and passion, we are in harmony with creation. To live in your own harmony creates ecological harmony and peace within your family and yourself and, as a result, with society. Society is made up of people. Each member is like a cell in a body. If the cells are happy, the body does well, with each cell doing its own specific and important function. Groups of cells gather together to form organs, as people gather to form organizations. Each organ / organization contributes to the health and safety of the whole. When the organs are functioning in integrity with themselves and the whole, the body thrives. Likewise, when we function with integrity to our true selves, humanity thrives. 

As we align and each of us remembers our true purpose, which I call our Divine Purpose, we contribute to the transformation of not only our culture, but also our species. To save our world means to save our own lives. It’s imperative that we break through the fears and conditioning that have kept us from each fulfilling our destiny as a contributing member in a thriving world. It is no longer acceptable to allow ourselves to be bullied into submission by our own fears or cultural indoctrination.  Allowing this to continue not only makes us feel as if we are dying inside but contributes to the mass destruction of our one and only, precious planet. 

Destruction or creation – your work is your investment, and your say, in the flow of reality unfolding. How do you want the story to unfold? This may seem like it’s out of your control and thus not your responsibility. I too used to wonder how one person could make a difference in such an overwhelming mess. Yet the aching and yearning inside me drove me to try to find out. I’ll be honest. This is the most challenging thing, other than raising a child, that I’ve ever done.

In essence, it is the same work. We are raising a child, a youth who was lost – a previous version of ourselves. Due to lack of encouragement, funding or healthy examples, this lost youth ended up going along with the programming from the television, the billboards and magazines. Parental guidance, based on their fears and unfulfilled ambition, enforced ideas of what was possible or impossible for you to achieve.

As we each notice what inspires and enlivens us, we reconnect to our internal creative design. When we do what feels aligned to our purpose, we follow the flow of love and passion into sacred service for the whole. Whether that work is grooming dogs, building a more holistic education system or growing varieties of heirloom vegetables, we each have a specific and integral role to play. We owe it to ourselves, society and all of creation to find our Divine Purpose, do what we love and transform our world. 

My purpose is to help you find, activate and magnify YOURS. None of us can do this alone, just as a few cells are not enough to make a body live. Yet together, as each of us performs our own beautiful function in harmony with each other, we sustain the vitality and radiance of life on earth. This could be Paradise! 

For more of Sonya Sophia’s blog articles, Tapping Tips or Scripts CLICK HERE.  To experience Tapping online with Sonya Sophia go to the The World Tapping Circle.


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