Tapping Through Fear

I asked our positive head audience what they needed help with, and this (one of my favorite Tap along audios for releasing fear and getting your peace back) is what happened.


Processing feelings with EFT actually change your brain chemistry, boosts your immune system, floods your body with Oxytocin, which restores your ability to digest food properly, sleep and to feel good naturally!


This audio also includes a real live experience of using EFT to clear fears from your body. 


Tap with us, then pass the peace by sending this podcast to somone who could use a little extra love right now. 

Yes, go ahead and try it! You will be pleasantly surprised at how good Tapping makes you feel in just a few minutes.

Join me each week for a fresh Tap at www.worldtappingcircle.com 



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Practitioner Training

My BURNING MAN 2024 EFT Workshops

👁 Mystic Metamorphosis

Dust off default. Strip down to your INSTINCTUAL Self. Learn to TRUST the ILLUMINATED path before you with new friends who share this POTENT magic!

Monday 8/26 2-4pm

Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Want to feel LOVE? Learn EFT to REGENERATE emotional CONNECTION. Feel your shiny new HEART COME ALIVE! Leave RADIANT & READY to PLAY wholeheartedly!

Tuesday 8/27 2-4pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Get GOOD with your SEXUAL self! Learn EFT, to navigate authentic feelings. Leave LOVING and ACCEPTING your natural sexual self so others can too!

Wednesday: 8/28 2:00-4:00pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC

🌎 Tapping Into Tomorrow’s World

Anchor skills for navigating the future with EFT. Come to IGNITE POWER and ALIGN PURPOSE to ENHANCE your ability to THRIVE.

Friday 8/30 1-2pm


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