Art Shapes Culture

Marco Cochrane’s monumental sculpture, “Truth is Beauty,” 55 feet tall, debuted at Burning Man in 2013. A smaller work by the artist featured at the Renwick Gallery. Credit Eleanor Preger
People are my art projects and healing is my art form. I chose consciousness because every other medium I tried was too impermanent. And yes so are we, but consciousness is self-replicating. And so I go to the desert every year to help curate, evolve and nurture the consciousness of my world.
“WASHINGTON — At the end of the summer, for one week only, hundreds of giant fantastical sculptures and whimsical roving vehicles appear, then disappear like a shimmering mirage in the Nevada desert. We’re talking about Burning Man, the notoriously free-spirited annual spectacle that has occupied a dry lake bed outside Reno for nearly 30 years.”
I have been sculpting in consciousness by leading my EFT workshops at Burning Man for more than a decade, and because of this I was fortunate enough to have been invited to the Smithsonian’s “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man”.
This exhibit invites the radical art of the desert into the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC, just a few steps from the White House, for its first major national showcase.Yes, dear reader, we the underground fringe are now being honored as the artists we have always been.
The reason I go to Burning Man is because culture follows the artists. It is led by the artists, the film makers and the writers. Culture is shaped by the poets and the, dancers and the mystics, it’s always been that way. This why I serve at Burning Man. I put my whole heart and soul into helping a global culture evolve by helping burners (who are mostly artists, visionaries, and thought leaders) become more clear, stable, loving and grounded in their ability to provide, beauty, truth and inspiration for us all.
Shrumen Lumen, 2016, mechanized sculptures made out of corrugated plastic by the FoldHaus Art Collective. Photographer: Ron Blunt Architectural Photography
Opening night of “No Spectators” – Manuel Pinto Photography

Jennifer Raiser, BM Treasurer, Larry Harvey, BM founder and Sonya SophiA

Android Jones with Sonya Sophia & “Honey the Butterfly”

Sonya Sophia, “The Art of Burning Man” – Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery. March 29, 2018 TonY Powell- Washington Life Magazine