Press Kit
Sonya Sophia

“Free yourself & the world will follow.”
“I want to live in a world where happy, healthy people are creating a happy, healthy world.” – Sonya Sophia

Opening Gala for the Smithsonian’s “No Spectators – The Art of Burning Man” – 2018
Sonya Sophia is a revolutionary leader in the field of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as “Tapping.”
Her mission is to help humanity heal so we can rebuild our world from a happier and healthier place.
She puts her wisdom and gifts as an empath into use helping shape global culture by supporting cultural creatives, visionaries, artists, and philanthropists to become more aligned, self-empowered, and loving though experiencing the freedom Tapping brings.
Sonya Sophia is an expert in the field of EFT and the founder of The Sophia School of Living Arts. She has over 30 years of experience in the healing arts and has given over 66,000 private EFT sessions, working with people from below the poverty line to supporting some of the world’s most wealthy families.
Sonya Sophia is the host and the creator The World Tapping Circle.

“My job is making inner work fast, fun, and affordable for the next generation.” – Sonya Sophia
Sonya Sophia’s latest project is a global event Called…

Sonya Sophia has led EFT to thousands at Burning Man since 2008

She is featured with some of the most important and influential women in the world. FEMME stars Sharon Stone and features interviews with Whoopi Goldberg, Marianne Williamson, Vandana Shiva, Seane Corn, and Sue Morter.
Sonya’s work inspired the Goddess Project
The Goddes Project is currently in 5 languages & counting.
Premier of Film 3 Magic Words – Dec 21, 2012 – London, UK
Sonya Sophia Leading EFT in India – Pyramid Valley 2017
EFT is A Healing Art that Helps Shape Culture
Culture Follows Art

EFT at Alex Grey’s COSOM New York City
Because this has always been true, Sonya Sophia has put her energy into helping shape global culture by leading EFT for some of the world’s top artists, cultural creatives, visionaries, and thought leaders for over a decade.
She sees that by helping them become more aligned, stable, prosperous, and loving in their ability to express beauty, love, and truth, it sets a tone for the collective.
Leading EFT at Burning Man, where crowds gather to Tap together, is one of Sonya Sophia’s happiest moments every year.

Pyramid Alchemy – Burning Man
“Burning Man. I was there. Sitting in the sunshine, Tapping my little heart out, releasing it all, breaking it open, falling in love with myself and the world around me all over again. I’ve experienced hundreds of modalities, and nothing has touched me in the way working with you in that workshop did.” Fran R.

Burning Man – Star Star Roadhouse – 2018
Tapping at Burning Man
“The woman who took care of me had accidentally abused me for years. It was a different kind of abuse. It wasn’t physical or sexual. It wasn’t verbal or neglect. It was subtle. It was abuse covered up with love…” Read More…
EFT Practitioner Training
I want to see as many hands on deck as possible. I would like 1 out of 5 people to know how to use EFT in my lifetime. I want to see EFT in schools, homes, businesses, and hospitals.”
– Sonya Sophia
Teaching EFT Internationally
EFT for Children in Sweden
Tapping at Der Roose, 2013
Tapping in Austin. Texas

Sonya Sophia invented a new way of using EFT she called the “EFT Circle.” Her EFT format suddenly allowed individuals, each with differing issues, to all use EFT on unrelated topics in the same group setting.
Previously, people were only able to form Tapping groups that were specific to one topic. This allowed her to help more people heal in increasingly larger groups.
The EFT Circle format was instantly made popular when an article she wrote describing how practitioners could use it was published by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig. Soon after, the world’s leading expert on epigenetics and EFT research, Dr Dawson Church — author of The Genie in your Genes — also published Sonya’s article on his website.
See original article on Gary Craig’s EmoFree website and on Dawson Church’s EFT Universe.

The World Tapping Circle is Born
Sonya wasn’t satisfied yet; she wanted to help bring healing to humanity! She needed an unlimited sized room to meet in. She wanted to remove obstacles around time, privacy, and expense. Too many people were suffering needlessly with issues that could be rapidly resolved with EFT.
She was on a mission!
Two years later, Sonya had raised $250,000 to take her EFT Circle format into what has become a weekly EFT session called The World Tapping Circle.
The World Tapping Circle is live streamed every Monday evening to help a growing populace of open-minded people process emotions, heal their hearts, and move past their pasts!
Love notes from Circle
“Having the world tapping circle is really an incredible gift. I don’t think I could live without it now! I tap now pretty much on a daily basis, sometimes for hours a day. I don’t really know what’s happening but I can see my life transforming and I FEEL BETTER THAN I EVER HAVE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.” – Kristen
“My income doubled, and I met the love of my life…Thanks for the videos! My family has noticed the difference, and my Mom is so proud!” – Julie
“The World Tapping Circle keeps me alive & well in a very stressful job environment” – Pia
“Having the world tapping circle is a huge gift! I can see my life transforming, and I FEEL BETTER THAN I EVER HAVE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.” – Karter
“You keep evolving yourself and us. It is a priceless gift being part of the Tapping Circle” – it has changed my life and will continue to do so.” – Terry
“You kept saying exactly what I was thinking! Wow, it was all so amazing and expansive! Thank youuuuuuuuuu!” – Nicole
“I feel soft, peaceful reassurance in my goodness omg! Something I’ve wanted forever! What a gift all this is!” – Marchessa
“I feel a buzz. I feel a part of something brighter, bigger and larger.” – Arriana
Partnering with World Changers
Sonya Sophia has partnered up with others who, like herself, are devoted to making the world a better place.

Gary Craig, founder of EFT

Dawson Church, Ph.D., Author of The Genie in your Genes & EFT Researcher
What People Say About Sonya Sophia & Her Work
“The most phenomenal experience of my life!”
“I can actually physically feel many patterns falling away. I feel more at home and confident in my body this morning than I have in a long, long time. After one night of tapping! I feel like I just learned magic!” – Natalie G., Texas
“Working with Sonya has been the single most emotionally-maturing step I have ever taken in my life.” – Jeff R., California
“What a transformative night!! Already did my tapping sequence twice this morning. Ready to take on the world and receive from the universe. Thank you so much.” – Michael B., Canada
“I just forgave myself! Been working on that for 43 years! Wish I could give you all the money I gave my therapists! You have given me the tool I needed to return to my kids, my husband, my granddaughters, my sisters, and all my family. I cannot say enough about how much better I am. Thank you!” – Noni S., Texas
“Thank you for teaching me this gift of EFT. It’s transforming the way I support women to birth their babies, and giving them a new tool as they enter motherhood. I’m watching them use it to empower themselves, and my heart is bursting.” – Mandy A., Nevada
“3 years ago before I began tapping, I cried for hours daily. I was constantly in a triggered state. I feel so proud of myself for rewiring my own thoughts and emotions with EFT. My life isn’t perfect, but now I can absolutely handle anything that comes my way!” – Tammy V., New York
“BIG revelation! I had no idea that my inability to allow success came from my child hood trauma!! Obrigada!” – Camilla M., Brazil
“I struggled with agoraphobia due to post-traumatic stress. I couldn’t handle a knock at my door, the phone ringing, or just being with my thoughts since I was young. Then it worsened as I got older and poor experiences accumulated, justifying my misery. Since being introduced to EFT 3 years ago, my life started to change for the better. Now I am a Certified Practitioner. I have Lots of old triggers, no charge. Just “huh, that used to scare the heck out of me, or feel weird or sad or awkward…” I sometimes say, out loud, “Thank You”, and give myself loving compassion for what I have endured. I went to the mall recently and couldn’t believe how I was not only withstanding all the stimulation but I was actually enjoying myself. I interacted with the human race on a whole other level! I used to get dizzy and freeze, not even able to speak! I owe my life to EFT – because with out it I grew ever so close to ending it. Since the EFT training with Sonya Sophia, I have the ability to pay my respects to my old beliefs about myself with out letting them take me over. Each day I am getting clearer. This is RADICAL ! Thank you Miss Sonya and my new loving family, best experience of my life. Bring on the NEW!”
– Micha J., California

Brandon Beachum of Optymystic TV & Positive head Podcast
Sonya Sophia is available for
- Wellness programs & summits
- Interviews – magazines, podcasts, radio, film, TV
- Festival workshops
- Keynotes & presentations
- Group EFT Training
- Team-building weekends