Video: Dealing with Death

Dealing with Death


Everyone deals with the death of a loved one eventually… It’s just a matter of when not if. How you deal with it can set the tone for the rest of your life.  I created this video to help you process some of the complex emotions surrounding losing someone you love. Let’s Tap through it together  – so that you can actually process this loss. May this work help ease your heart and mind.


In addition a private EFT session with one of my Recommended EFT Practitioners could also really help.

NOTE: I lead a live EFT session online each week – you can try it for free here:



Get a FREE 5-Day Emotional Detox + 1 Ticket to the World Tapping Circle

Practitioner Training

My BURNING MAN 2024 EFT Workshops

👁 Mystic Metamorphosis

Dust off default. Strip down to your INSTINCTUAL Self. Learn to TRUST the ILLUMINATED path before you with new friends who share this POTENT magic!

Monday 8/26 2-4pm

Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Want to feel LOVE? Learn EFT to REGENERATE emotional CONNECTION. Feel your shiny new HEART COME ALIVE! Leave RADIANT & READY to PLAY wholeheartedly!

Tuesday 8/27 2-4pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Get GOOD with your SEXUAL self! Learn EFT, to navigate authentic feelings. Leave LOVING and ACCEPTING your natural sexual self so others can too!

Wednesday: 8/28 2:00-4:00pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC

🌎 Tapping Into Tomorrow’s World

Anchor skills for navigating the future with EFT. Come to IGNITE POWER and ALIGN PURPOSE to ENHANCE your ability to THRIVE.

Friday 8/30 1-2pm


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