Upgrading Your Income – Tapping Script




This is a beginning level script that requires little experience with Tapping, although you should have a basic understanding of where the Tapping points are located. This script is designed to help you let go of underlying patterns on the issue of financial scarcity. Tap along with this to create more financial flow and prosperity in your life. (Estimated Tapping time: 7-10 min.)

You will be Tapping gently on the sequence of points, moving from the setup point (the sore spots  on the front of your chest, 2-3 inches below your collarbone) to the face points, the torso points, the hand points, and up to the top of your head.  This pattern of points is known as a round of Tapping. You can Tap with either or both hands. 

Set up

Take several deep breaths. To begin, massage the “sore spots” on the front of your chest. [add graphic]

Please allow yourself slow deep breaths as you begin massaging these points. You will be Tapping gently, 7-10 times using either or both hands, on each of the points listed below. Tap on each point for about 15-20 seconds. 

NOTE: Remember as you Tap that you can add words or change words from the suggested script below, customizing your statements to make each work for you and your issue. 




Tapping Script for Upgrading your Income

Say, out loud,
Even though I am feeling financially stressed, I’m open to loving and accepting myself anyway.”

Repeat this statement, or customize one of your own, several times as you breathe deeply and continue to Tap.


Round 1

Eyebrow:  “This financial stress…

Temple:     “financial stress…

Cheekbone:  “financial stress…


Under Nose: “I feel like I never have enough Money.”

Under Lips:   “I never have enough Money.”


Under Collarbone:  “I’ve been worried about Money for so long.”

Down to Sternum / Front of Chest: “Even though I feel like I never have enough Money, I am open to loving and accepting myself.”


Front of Ribs: “I am SO angry that this is still an issue.”

Side of Ribs: “I am SO angry that this is still an issue.”


Inside of Wrist: “I was always told there was not enough. Money created so many problems for our family.”

Thumb: “I am open to releasing my parent’s fears, anger and anxiety about Money.”


Index Finger: “Mom believed __________ about Money.”

Middle Finger: “Dad believed __________ about Money.”


Outside of Fourth Finger: “I am clearing their old beliefs from my mind and body.”

Little Finger: “It is safe for me to release my parents’ beliefs about Money.”


Side of your Hand: “No matter how entrenched these beliefs have become, it is safe for me to release them NOW.”

Top of your Head: “I am open to the possibility of having more than enough Money for me.”


Check in with your issue, and see whether the intensity has increased or decreased. If the charge has not decreased significantly, repeat Round 1 several more times before moving on to Round 2.


Round 2

Eyebrow:  “Even though I’ve been telling myself that Money is ________, I love and accept myself.”

Temple:    “I’ve been telling myself that Money is ________.”

Cheekbone:  “I’ve been telling myself that Money is ________.”


Under Nose: “It is safe for me to release this NOW.”

Under Lips:   “I picked up these beliefs from ___________.”


Under Collarbone:  “I am releasing the belief that Money is __________ from my body now.”

Down to Sternum / Front of Chest: “Part of me does not feel worthy of having more than enough Money.”


Front of Ribs: “If I had more than enough, I am afraid _______ would happen. I have been holding myself back with this fear.”

Side of Ribs: “I am open to releasing the idea that ________ would happen.”


Inside of Wrist: “Even though I’ve been judging people with money, seeing them as ___________, ____________ and _____________, I love and accept myself.”

Thumb: “I do not want to be seen as ___________, ____________ and _____________.”


Index Finger: “It is possible that not all people with money are ___________, ____________ and _____________.”

Middle Finger: “I am allowing myself to be connected to my heart, humble, loving and generous, even with more than enough money.”


Outside of Fourth Finger: “I am allowing myself to feel prosperous and (positive statement) even with more than enough money.”

Little Finger: “I am allowing myself to upgrade my ability to receive more money.”


Side of your Hand: “I am creating a new flow of financial prosperity for myself NOW.”

Top of your Head:  “It is safe for me to have more than enough money NOW.”


Check in with your issue, and see whether the intensity has increased or decreased. If the charge has not decreased significantly, repeat round 2 several more times.


NOTE: Tapping is a very powerful tool. Often people experience huge releases of accumulated stress stored within their bodies. You may find yourself having distracting thoughts, feeling sleepy, yawning, burping, tingling, laughing, crying, having flashes of awareness and recalling underlying memories and formative events. These are all signs that EFT is clearing out your nervous system. Just relax. Keep breathing and Tapping as your system upgrades to realign with a better reality.

To end the session, Tap all over your body and say loving, supportive statements to yourself for a few moments.


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