Dissolving Old Patterns

Many of us have old patterns of behavior that no longer serve us, which are based on defense mechanisms and coping strategies developed when we were young. However, even when we have a cognitive awareness of the pattern and why we developed it, it can seem impossible to shift.  In fact, the self-blame/shame that goes along with it, or finding others to blame for it, can be part of the cycle, part of the pattern. Rather than helping us change, blaming ourselves and others only reinforces it. Here’s a tapping sequence for you to follow that may help you go to the root of some of your patterns, heal and love the part of you that absorbed or developed the pattern, and start opening to new possibilities for yourself.


This is an intermediate to advanced level script that assumes you already have some experience with Tapping and that you know where the Tapping Points are located on your body. This script is designed to help you dissolve old patterns. Some of it is in a “fill-in the blank” format, so you can tailor it to whatever pattern you want to dissolve.



If you can, try to be in a quiet place with no interruptions (for example, phone off, and door closed). Have a pen and paper ready. Think of this issue as it pertains to you, and try to be as specific as possible about what aspects you want to tap on. Jot it down. Check in with some of the feelings and thoughts that come up for you around this, and write that down. The following script is only a guideline. Feel free to add to it or change it to fit your experience more perfectly.

Tapping Script for Dissolving Old Patterns

Close your eyes for a moment, and check in with yourself.  Ask what you want to work on, which pattern? Is there an area of your life you feel stuck in, or a habit you can’t seem to shift? Write down the number which represents the level of frustration you have with this pattern.

Massaging the sore spot (You will do that once for the setup. Then for the next rounds, you will be tapping on the other points):

Even though I can shift this pattern of ___________ [state the pattern you want to shift],

I’m open to loving and accepting myself completely.

Round 1


Eyebrow: This habit of _____

Temple: Part of me doesn’t accept it at all!

Cheekbone: I can’t believe I’m not over this yet!


Under Nose: This frustration!

Under Lips: I’m open to accepting this frustration with myself and the world.


Under Collarbone: I don’t know what is creating this

Sternum: I don’t want things to be like this,

But I don’t know how to change!


Front of Ribs: I accept this part of me that blames myself for holding onto this,

Side of Ribs: And the part of me that blames others.


Inside of Wrist: This self-blame… this resistance to accepting that this is how things are…

Thumb: I’m open to loving and accepting myself anyway.



Index Finger: No I’m not (tune in to any part of you that isn’t open to loving yourself with this pattern)!

Middle Finger: I can’t love myself until this changes!


Outside of Fourth Finger: I accept the part of me that has made loving myself contingent upon changing.

Little  Finger: When I was young, there were many parts of me that felt unacceptable.

I thought I had to change or suppress them to get love.

Now ask yourself at what age did you feel you had to hold back or change some parts of you? Did you develop a habit (such as acting out or rebelling) to get attention?

I send that part of you love and empathy until you feel it soften). 

If nothing comes to mind, you can send acceptance to your pattern, allowing whatever feelings you have around it to arise. Continue tapping.

Side of Hand: I forgive myself for carrying this around for so long…

Head: When I’m ready, I’m open to releasing some of these thoughts and feelings.


Check in with feelings around your pattern, and see whether the intensity has increased or decreased.  If the charge has not decreased significantly, repeat Round 1 several more times before proceeding to Round 2.


Round 2

Eyebrow: This remaining feeling of _____________ [check in with whatever remaining feeling there is]

Temple: This old pattern of ______________________ [name your pattern]

Cheekbone: I’m open to releasing this pattern.


Under Nose: It helped me feel safe at the time

Under Lips: But it no longer serves me now.


Under Collarbone: I’m open to accepting the parts of me that feel unacceptable

Sternum: And loving the parts that feel unlovable…


Front of Ribs: Even if I never change this pattern until the day I die

Side of Ribs: I am OK as I am.


Inside of Wrist: And part of me is really ready to let go of this!

Thumb: I have tools that I didn’t have when I was younger


Index Finger: I have choices I didn’t have then because I was dependent on others for my well-being

Middle Finger: And I’m choosing to let go of this pattern of ­­­­______________________


Outside of Fourth Finger: I am open to forgiving myself and those who modeled this pattern for me

Little Finger: I am healing the past and inviting in a bright new future


Side of Hand: I am the creator of my life.

Head: And I choose freedom!


Now check in with your pattern, and see whether the intensity has increased or decreased. 

If the charge has not decreased significantly, repeat Round 2 several more times.

To end the session, tap all over your body as you speak  loving, supportive statements to yourself  for a few moments. Examples of this might include:

I am dissolving this old pattern!

I love and accept myself exactly as I am!

I am choosing to let this be easy now!



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