7 Week Chakra Sweep

NEW! ???? 7 Week Chakra Sweep – EFT Series with Sonya Sophia ????

MoneySexPowerLoveExpression Vision Spirituality

• Heal trauma & clear karma
• Resolve emotional upset
• Reduce pain
• Learn self love
• Clear fear
• Activate purpose
• Create loving relationships
• Align with the Divine

This 7 part series series is guaranteed to open your heart, clear your head and deeply empower you! Clear out past experiences, beliefs and feelings in every area of your body and life. You will take away visceral empowerment and experience renewed energy, peace and power. Commit to a few or do the full series and really go for it!

7 Week Chakra Sweep

Thursdays June 1 – July 13 2017

7:30pm – 9:30pm

$25. per session – full series $149.

Location: Yoga Yoga  – Westlake, Austin TX

❤️ REGISTER http://bit.ly/7WeekChakraSweep-EFT ❤️


EFT is a powerful meridian based, self-healing technique. EFT (also known as Tapping) also helps clear generations of genetic memory and psychological conditioning. Tapping ends mental and emotional suffering not only for yourself, but helps your relationships too. Detox emotionally & reclaim your power!

Over 20 clinical trials of EFT published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals have demonstrated that it is effective for fear, anxiety, depression, PTSD, phobias, pain, grief, divorce, addictions, cravings, illness, sexual healing, body image, self esteem, weight loss, accidents, injury, improved performance, and other issues.


Learn EFT & Practice hands on – with expert guidance

Our goal in the chakra sweep is to free you from a variety of issues and give you a ton of your life force back quickly. You will leave each session feeling more clear, capable and alive. The 7 Week Chakra Sweep will free you from issues in every part of your life, mind and body. This is fantastic chance for deep healing and inner growth at an affordable price.


Root 1 – June 1 –  This session clears, grounds, and calms you. Feeling stressed, anxious, worried? Come use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to clear issues involving fear, survival and financial support. The root chakra holds inherited beliefs from our most formative years. Lay a firm emotional foundation for rebuilding stability, safety, permission and peace.

Sacral 2 – June 8 – Feeling good makes you sexier, happier, healthier and more fun! Use EFT to clear issues related to pleasure, sex, desire, & creative freedom. Join us to restore play, juice and joy!

Solar Plexus 3 – June 15Come Tap and empower your purpose! Leave glowing and activated! This EFT session builds confidence, focus and action. The solar plexus chakra resonates with issues related to will and success. Join us to align your will with right action.

Heart 4 – June 22 Sabotaging relationships with past hurts, distrust, anger, or jealousy? This EFT session helps you clear issues of the heart. Leave with an enhanced ability to give and receive L O V E. Your heart and your loved ones will thank you.

Throat 5 – June 29Join us to Tap more fully into your authentic self expression! The healed Throat chakra allows you to have your voice be heard Tap to increase artistic expression, and to communicate your vision effectively. Tapping out issues in this chakra helps you become a better communicator, listener, singer, writer and speaker, teacher or leader.

3rd Eye 6 July 6Come Tap with us to enhance your 3rd eye abilities! Access telepathy natural, learn to shape new realities with your mind. Tap to improve your ability to think clearly, trust your intuition, vision, dream, and to manifest your life.

Crown 7 – July 13In this final EFT session we connect to our eternal natures.This chakra is the most sublime – as it offers an expanded state of consciousness, peace, love and unity. Tap with us to enhance your ability to meditate and stay connected to Divine guidance through your life.


❤️ REGISTER http://bit.ly/7WeekChakraSweep-EFT ❤️


Get a FREE 5-Day Emotional Detox + 1 Ticket to the World Tapping Circle

Practitioner Training

My BURNING MAN 2024 EFT Workshops

👁 Mystic Metamorphosis

Dust off default. Strip down to your INSTINCTUAL Self. Learn to TRUST the ILLUMINATED path before you with new friends who share this POTENT magic!

Monday 8/26 2-4pm

Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Want to feel LOVE? Learn EFT to REGENERATE emotional CONNECTION. Feel your shiny new HEART COME ALIVE! Leave RADIANT & READY to PLAY wholeheartedly!

Tuesday 8/27 2-4pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC


Get GOOD with your SEXUAL self! Learn EFT, to navigate authentic feelings. Leave LOVING and ACCEPTING your natural sexual self so others can too!

Wednesday: 8/28 2:00-4:00pm

Location: Camp Mystic 2:00@HYPNOTIC

🌎 Tapping Into Tomorrow’s World

Anchor skills for navigating the future with EFT. Come to IGNITE POWER and ALIGN PURPOSE to ENHANCE your ability to THRIVE.

Friday 8/30 1-2pm


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