10 Life Lessons Learned from Tapping into My Inner Voice

I used to fear my inner voice. It asked me to step outside of my comfort zone and do things I didn’t think I was capable or worthy of. Now I know better.
As I learned to listen and follow through, my life became aligned with purpose!
These are the 10 life lessons I learned by Tapping into my inner voice.
Me in 1988: What do you want me to do with my life?
Inner Voice: You are a healer. Help humanity heal.
Me: Uh . . . Have you seen this place? People are in survival mode, afraid of themselves and each other. I’m afraid, too!
Inner Voice: Help end abuse, heal trauma, end sexism, and bring peace to this planet.
Me: Umm sure . . . Yeah . . . I’ll get right on that . . .

Following my inner voice has terrified me. But it’s also changed and empowered me.
It led me to find a solution to help people recover from depression, violence, addiction, religious indoctrination, sexual abuse, and other unsavory issues that coincidentally were the same issues my family handed down to me.
Fifteen years later, I find myself where I am now: an expert in Emotional Freedom Techniques who holds space on a global level for thousands of people to Tap into their own inner voices, feel, and heal.
Today, over 61,800 people have joined 10,000 Tapping

Me in 2020: Thanks, that was A LOT of work, Inner Voice! No, really. THANK YOU. You changed me. I’m happy and feel peaceful inside!
Inner Voice: I LOVE you, and I’m PROUD of you.
Me: I’ve done my best even though I was terrified and resistant a lot of the time.
Inner Voice: It was good enough. Feel my love and rest, okay? More people are coming.
Me: Thank you so much for guiding me here, Inner Voice. It feels good to be useful.
So, how did this all happen?
Mostly, it was a process of dealing with my own mind, my fears of the unknown, and my self-imposed limitations. Thank goodness there’s a little tool called Tapping to help me process this stuff on the daily, in real time.
And to be honest, for every next-level goal that I’ve achieved, the process is the same. Because although I have more skill and experience to go on, at the end of the day, it’s still fear of the unknown that can stop me. The “YIKES!! I’ve never done this before!” and the What if’s that come up to stall me out.
So, dear reader, I created a little Tapping video for you to use in addition to a list of my 10 life lessons below to help ease your way forward.
Doing What’s Difficult Mini-Tapping Video
10 Life Lessons Learned from Tapping into My Inner Voice:
1. Self-respect comes from honoring your inner guidance.
I have responded to my own soul’s loving guidance to help alleviate suffering, end cycles of abuse, and hold a space for love to exist.
I feel a new kind of trust in myself today, a new kind of self-respect that comes from striving and relentlessly, however awkwardly, honoring my own inner guidance.
2. Risk is involved.
It has taken perseverance, tears, frustration, loss, facing others’ disbelief, and feeling the continuous possibility of failure . . . and deciding to do it anyway. No pain, no gain is REAL.
3. Forgiveness must be applied daily.
It has taken the willingness to forgive myself and others for the mistakes made along the way. It has taken flexibility, resilience, and forbearance.
I had to learn to settle for “good enough” instead of everything being perfect beforehand.
4. Having high standards yields high quality.
It’s taken the willingness to hold high standards for myself and my team, all of us humbling down, doing and redoing things again and again.
It’s taken willingness to require alignment within myself and my team to forge ahead in a unified way that results in excellence and pride in our work.
5. Personal peace is the product of doing your best.
I don’t know what I expected to feel after having strived toward this goal for all these years. But because I’ve given my love to the world and the world has received it, I am a happy woman today.
I can feel a peace—an inner solidity of being—as if I’m standing on a beautiful mountain vista that I have struggled, panting and heaving to get to, schlepping my backpack as I baby stepped through doubts and fears up the mountain path, one day at a time.
Suddenly, I stand in the silence, humbled and in wonder of my world in its beauty spread out before me. Ironically, I’m seeing that the majesty has always been there, it’s just that I’ve never seen it from here, like this.

6. Faith and strength are the real prizes.
I followed this path of wanting to help others, not realizing that what I really wanted was the faith and strength that it took to bring me here.
Why did I really want faith and strength? Because it turns out that to live in this world and to give you gifts . . . you need a lot of faith and strength. You have to know deep down in your bones that what you are doing matters.
I’ve learned that to believe in yourself isn’t enough. You have to know that you can do it. And that takes a lot of practice.
7. Confidence comes from struggle.
And so it is. When we’re done celebrating the moment, we’ll slowly turn our attention to the path ahead and begin to climb once again.
But this time, because we reached this place, we know that it’s now much easier for us to help others to get there. We’ve developed our skills and stretched them again and again, and we’ll continue to. do so.
It’s not easy, but it builds us and gives us the knowledge that we are inherently capable of not only doing this for ourselves, but teaching others to do the same.
We move forward with more ease because we know the road and have developed both the necessary strength and the necessary surrender to bring it.

8. Take baby steps while remembering the big picture.
Now we know the value of traveling with a light attitude and staying focused on each tiny baby step, all while remembering why we were called here in the first place.
The baby steps are each necessary, and taken one at a time they add up. Then there’s the big picture. This helps keep you focused on your mission so you don’t end up somewhere else.
It’s just like hiking: choose your mountain top, keep your eyes on the step you are on, and you will get there.
9. Self-esteem grows in follow-through.
I feel gratitude welling within me that springs from my soul knowing that I have trusted, again and again.
I’ve discovered new ways to bring more love to this world. I feel proud that I’ve used my time to explore, learn, and develop my skills. I not only believe in myself as a result, now I know how capable I am.
The more closely my life is aligned with love, the more integrity and wholeness I feel. This creates high esteem that I naturally feel for myself and my team.
This is not egotistical arrogance, but a form of trust, respect, and honor. Self-esteem grows in our follow-through.

10. Generosity is the new currency.
As a result of making these Tapping videos freely available forever (and not building in false scarcity as many marketing experts suggest), more than 500 people empowered themselves using EFT within 2 weeks of the live event ending.
The movement was and still is moving!
People share freely what is freely given. They feel good about sharing it when it’s given from a place of genuine love and care.
Giving sets up a wave of reciprocity.
Hundreds of new people have seen the value of releasing fears, phobias, and traumas, turning on the energy of love by using EFT to Tap into their pain, feel it, and heal it. They’ve joined The World Tapping Circle (our weekly EFT broadcast) that in turn helps us help even more people.
🌎 Here’s the link to participate in 10,000 Tapping for free.
There are 7 full-length EFT Tapping sessions to help you with everything from better relationships and health to manifesting more money, personal peace, and true purpose.

I give you this tool, and I trust that in giving I receive not only financial support to keep doing this work, but the proof that we are moving forward collectively, becoming a kinder, safer, wiser, and more loving people.
If you participated live in the week of 10,000 Tapping, THANK YOU for doing your part to make this world a better place for us all.

❤️ LOVE NOTES from 10,000 Tapping
“This is a wonderful addition and assistance to life for all of us.”
– E., Arkansas
“I am absolutely amazed at the transformational energy I am experiencing each day. You have given me a key of knowledge that will stay with me now for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to share with others so that they too can experience the empowering effects of EFT! My gratitude is soaring!!
– J., Australia
“Thank you so much for this. I’ve done EFT for several years – originally followed Gary Graig’s videos. I love the way you articulate issues, feelings, etc. and also your strong presence is very cathartic. I’ve been wanting to join the Tapping Circle for ages!” – S. Canada
“The program was awesome…I laughed, cried, giggled, wowed… Sonya has a different tapping regime than I have ever done over the years, and I love her way!”
– M., B.C. Canada
“Today was my first day of tapping, with Love and Relationships! And I was able to go my core! It was amazing! And now I feel so much lighter!! As there has been taken /tapping an enormous load if me and my ancestors and my family! I even re-found 2 lost soulmates of mine!! Thank you.”
– M., Netherlands
“This session made me want to dance… and I did! First time in years… Thanks!!”
– G., California
“I thank you with all of my heart for this beautiful circle that you created, for all the effort and love that you put into it, and for the healing you facilitate. This is so beautiful knowing that we all heal together. Sending you lots of love, appreciation, and gratitude for the wonderful energy that is created by you leading and us following.”
– S., Germany
“LOVE the video library! I always find just the right thing to help me!”
– E., Texas
“Wow this is amazing—I sincerely can feel the healing, my body is feeling nurtured, and I’m seeing my world with different lenses so to speak, I just don’t feel afraid anymore. Thank you so much 💖💖💖💖💖”
– J., Australia
“I feel I have come through a pond of sludge and now I am showered and clean. It’s like having a painful tooth removed and I cannot thank you enough. I would not have done this without your support.”
– N., Australia
“I feel immensely blessed to be a part of this (your) vision and to share the LOVE!! I feel our ripples going OUT!!!!!”
– C., Florida

In brief, these are the words of wisdom my inner voice taught me once I chose to Tap in, listen, and follow:
- Self-respect comes from honoring your inner guidance.
- Risk is involved.
- Forgiveness must be applied daily.
- Having high standards yield high quality.
- Personal peace is the product of doing your best.
- Faith and strength are the real prizes.
- Confidence comes from struggle.
- Take baby steps while remembering the big picture.
- Self-esteem grows in follow-through.
- Generosity is the new currency.
Onward we go! What inspires me now is to follow through by continuing to hold space for even more people to clear cultural conditioning so we can stay uplifted—collectively.
What have you learned about yourself by pulling off something big? Share with the Tap tribe below!

P.S. If you’ve tried the 10,000 Tapping EFT sessions and they helped you (as they helped the 61,835 people who joined us live), you’ll definitely thrive by joining The World Tapping Circle.
Here, we gather weekly to learn to love ourselves as we continue to use EFT Tapping to get rid of the gunk in the subconscious mind at a cellular level.
You can join The World Tapping Circle for FREE or by donation for unlimited Tapping time, and use our huge video library with 100s of Tapping sessions in it to dig in and power up.